Profile Photos
We offer two types of profile photos to help you create a professional and cohesive online presence. The first option is to use your own portraits, which will be overlaid with our current branding. The second option is to create a clean and simple profile image using your name, which will be styled to match our branding.
Select one

Use Your Own Photo

Use Your Name
Submit a request
This is a self-service function, we do not receive the images you upload, so you can try any number of images until you find the one that is just right!
- Click "Choose an image" to select a photo from your computer.
- Use the cropping tool to center your face, leaving some space below.
(your head should not be within the bottom 20% of the frame) - When you are satisfied with the crop, click "Done" to automatically add the Webalo branding.
- Once the image appears on this page, right click on the image and select the option to save the image to your computer!
Contact if you encounter any problems or have any questions.
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This is an on-demand function, we will create your profile photo with your submitted name and send it to you via the email provided. Turnaround time is typically less than 24 hours on weekdays.
- If possible, please format your name as a single name and a single initial, to ensure readability since space is limited. (First name + Last name initial)
- Please provide your Webalo email address so we can validate that you belong to the organization. Requests listing private emails will not be accepted.